Why do screenshots taken from the same phone have different file sizes?


Why do screenshots taken from the same phone have different file sizes?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because a Screenshot will be stored as a PNG which is a lossless compression algorithm, or as a JPG which is a [lossy compression algorithm.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Examples-of-JPEG-artifacts-at-a-high-compression-ratio-At-a-high-compression-ratio-in_fig1_336010574)

What they are doing is that they don’t store each individual pixel, but rather shorter instructions that can be used to recreate the image. PNG for example can store something like “the area from pixel 0x0 to 100×100 is white” (very simplified) which even written as a sentence uses much less storage than writing down the value for each individual pixel.

So depending on how much similarity there is in your picture (lots of the same background color, text, etc) the file size can be decreased a lot

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