Why do shows/movies come out in different countries at different times?


Current example: Rick and Morty. With that, I noticed how that doesn´t make sense to me. I get why a show might have to be translated and dubbed first in the case of countries with other languages, but why does the UK have a later release date for US-produced shows and movies than the US? It doesn´t even build up hype or anything, if anything it just encourages piracy. Once Rick and Morty is available in my country, I will probably have seen it already. So why do producers not try to go for a global release?

In: Culture

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What’s easier to make money? Do whole lot of legwork of legal, translation, marketing, promotion, etc etc. Or sell the rights to the movie for 500million and let the locals in that area do it?

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