Why do snow storms seem to move slower/last longer than rain storms?


Up here in Minnesota with lots of diverse weather, it seems that winter storms last longer, are bigger than (area-wise), and move slower than summer storms. I’ve seen lots of winter storms and blizzards that seem to last at least 12 hours and dump snow continuously the entire time. However, I’ve only seen a couple of rainstorms that last that long and rain somewhat consistently. Rainstorms almost always seem to move in a relatively thin band across an area while snow storms hover and are much more spread out on the radar.

Is this just my imagination? If not, why does this happen?

In: Other

2 Answers

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Snowstorms seem to last longer because they usually cover much more area than rainstorms. Also, snowflakes fall slower than rain because of their shape, raindrops are nice and circular so they have little air resistance compared to a snowflake.

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