Why do so many ancient cities, especially the big ones, have dissapeared geographically after being abandoned? If nobody destroys them, shouldn’t the structures and general architecture remain intact?


Why do so many ancient cities, especially the big ones, have dissapeared geographically after being abandoned? If nobody destroys them, shouldn’t the structures and general architecture remain intact?

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What cities are you thinking of specifically?

Most big cities are at that specific place for a reason, usually they’re crossroads for trade routes or defensive positions. Big cities rarely get abandoned entirely.

But abandoned cities are all over the globe. Just from the top of my head. Macchu Picchu in Peru. Petra in Syria. Montezuma’s Castle in the USA. The non-pyramid structures at the Giza Necropolis. I’ve been to an encampment in France that dates back to the stone age.

Usually the general architecture does stay intact. The concept of the totally disappeared big city is something that exists in fiction. Speaking of which:

You’re probably thinking of mythical cities like Sodom, Gomorra or El Dorado. The fact that these cities are part of stories rather recorded history should tell you why you can’t find them. Might as well try to find Minas Tirith or King’s Landing.

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