Why do so many ancient cities, especially the big ones, have dissapeared geographically after being abandoned? If nobody destroys them, shouldn’t the structures and general architecture remain intact?


Why do so many ancient cities, especially the big ones, have dissapeared geographically after being abandoned? If nobody destroys them, shouldn’t the structures and general architecture remain intact?

In: Other

7 Answers

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If you visit an old car graveyard you’ll see that even steel breaks down pretty quickly when left to the elements. Some of them have nearly rusted away completely. If you spread that decay rate over a few hundred years, and add the factor of even less sturdy building materials; you can see how a clay, wood, or adobe structure may not survive for that long. Also nature works at a furious rate and reclaims things faster than you would think. It’s estimated it would only take a few hundred years for most traces of modern humanity to disappear if it all ended today.

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