why do soap operas all have the same ‘look’ to them?


You can tell something is a soap opera by just looking at a scene. What causes this?

In: Other

4 Answers

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You should’ve searched before asking.

ELI5:Why do/did soap operas appear so drastically different from other forms of tv?
byu/Newwavejujutsu inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do modern phones lack the soap opera effect of modern TVs?
byu/scifi_jon inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: why are soap operas so obviously soap operas?
byu/soulshyfter2311 inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do soap operas look worse than movies if soap operas are shot at faster frame rates and thus have more picture data?
byu/JarJarAwakens inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why does it seem like soap operas are filmed with different cameras than regular shows?
byu/DebussyThat inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: How come I can always quickly tell a soap opera is on TV from even a single frame?
by inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: What is it about the filming procedure for soap operas that makes them appear so different visually?
byu/bangarang0987 inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why are soap operas instantly identifiable.
byu/LowLeadBambi inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do Soap Operas look so Soap Opera-y?
byu/MilshAndSquilsh99 inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why are soap operas so easy to identify when flipping through TV channels?
byu/Jwx9 inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do soap operas seem to have a visual characteristic that gives them away instantly?
byu/newdayyymn inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: What gives soap operas that “soap opera look”?
byu/WaitForItTheMongols inexplainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do soap operas and movies look so different ?
byu/andrew_west inexplainlikeimfive

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