why do some alcoholics have a huge belly and some remain thin?


I sort of understand visceral fat, but I know people who drink a bottle of hard liquor a day with no belly, yet some remain skinny with a similar amount.

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The typical beer gut is present for hard beer drinkers (typically) – beer is super high in calories – average beer is about 100-150 calories. Drink a six pack and that’s the same as a Big Mac, and a six pack is pretty tame for heavy drinkers. Wine is also high in sugars, while liquor is usually around 80 calories per oz. So a whole bottle of juice and jive would be 2000 calories just about an average adult’s body weight maintenance intake, mebbe a bit more. A good night for a heavy beer drinker would be a whole case of 24, so 3600 calories easy.

The difference comes down to whether they’re ALSO eating. The beer gut alcoholic is probably also eating unhealthily. Your hardcore 26 oz bottle of whiskey/day alcoholic probably isn’t interested in eating too much (or doing some would cause them to vomit under most circumstances), the majority of their caloric intake is ONLY from the booze.

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