Why do some boiled eggs easily come out of the shell and others seem to fuse to the shell?


Why do some boiled eggs easily come out of the shell and others seem to fuse to the shell?

In: 1895

23 Answers

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Check out Kenji Lopez-Alt on YouTube. The man’s done a lot of work learning how to boil and peel eggs. Turns out age isn’t nearly as big a factor as most of us used to think. It’s more about technique. The big thing is putting them into a hot environment quickly rather than heating them on a cold bath. Best is steamed but you can also boil so long as you don’t overload the bath, which could lower the temp too much and mess up the timing.

[He’s also got this article on serious eats.](https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-boiled-eggs-recipe)

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