Why do some cultures switch between speaking English and their native tongue on TV shows and such?


Why do some cultures switch between speaking English and their native tongue on TV shows and such?

In: 11

8 Answers

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It’s called code switching and it happens a lot in real life. One of the better depictions I’ve seen recently would be in “Everything Everywhere All at Once”

And there’s a lot of reasons. Big one is just nuance. Some phrases work better in certain languages. Another is literally just not remembering the proper word in one language. Some do it for privacy in public. In some ways its a kindof way of bonding/increasing solidarity like having a unique language that others can’t follow because they don’t also speak 3 languages like your family.

And even in other contexts if English is more of a second language learned than if someone grew up bilingual speaking in a native language is usually just preferred. English, is being spoken for the convenience of the English speakers in the room, not for the convenience of the one speaking.

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