Why do some daily supplements give you 1000+% of the RDI for some vitamins and mineral and not as much of others?


Why do some daily supplements give you 1000+% of the RDI for some vitamins and mineral and not as much of others?

In: 13

7 Answers

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So some things like minerals, for example, selenium can kill you if you take too much. To much potassium is bad for you too. So the company doesn’t know if you will follow instructions or mega dose against recommendations. So for those things that can be toxic there is a lot less in there in case you take more than you should. Related to this you will notice you can only get potassium supplements that are 3% RDA. Like I said, too much potassium can harm you, so if you take 10 of those pills you are still pretty low at 30% RDA and won’t drop dead. The other stuff is not toxic and just gets pissed out if it is more than you need. So taking the 1000% RDA is really a waste, your body can only use so much at a time. But people think if something is “good” for you then a lot more it must be “better”. So in some cases “better” is just a waste but also sometimes can be harmful over the long term.

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