Why do some drowsy medication (Anarex, Mirtazapine) trigger restless leg syndrome where your legs feel restless when you’re trying to sleep?


Why do some drowsy medication (Anarex, Mirtazapine) trigger restless leg syndrome where your legs feel restless when you’re trying to sleep?

In: Chemistry

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A number of medications can make RLS worse. In particular, anti-nausea drugs and sedating antihistamines (like Benadryl) block the brain’s dopamine receptors, causing restless legs symptoms. Antidepressants that increase serotonin and antipsychotic medications can also aggravate the condition.
In addition, RLS is often found in those with less than optimal iron levels. (ferritin on blood tests). Even if your doctors say your iron is within normal range, if it’s below midpoint it can cause RLS.

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