Why do some electrical plugs hog power points?


Some plugs are of a size that makes it impossible for another plug to be used next to it on a power board. Why do manufacturers do this?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Millions spent on product design and then about $50 spent on plug design given to some low-end Chinese technician to do and another $50 spent on the utterly useless user manual.

But no seriously plugs are area dependent so it’s the one thing guaranteed to be different for each country and so the design of the regional variations of the plug is the last part of the design but less care is given because:
– that specific design is only being used by only say 5% of the end product users
– it can often be designed after user testing of the main product (so the company never gets feedback on the plug design)
– the product budget and time has already been used up so hectic deadline usually means companies will farm the design out cheaply to specialist companies.
– individual countries have very strict requirements regarding electronic devices, especially plugs, and the rushed design will prioritize this strict regional compliance over aesthetics/ergonomics/usefulness.

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