Why do some games/applications need you to restart your computer/laptop after installation?


Why do some games/applications need you to restart your computer/laptop after installation?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the time, they’re just playing it safe.

If you tell users to reboot, they’ll waste a minute on that and then they’ll forget about it. Whereas if they don’t reboot, and they run into some problem that could have been solved by rebooting, they might contact your support line or file a bug report, or just tell everyone that your product sucks. So even if rebooting *usually* isn’t necessary, telling users to do it might just avoid a few problems.

As for why it is sometimes necessary at all? Because the application might need to update files that others are using. It can’t do that *while* they’re using the files, so it has to tell Windows “please update these files when you next reboot”.

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