why do some games only work on windows?


why do some games only work on windows?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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Computers use software to know what they are doing and to perform tasks. Think of software as Lego bricks. You have a base layer to start everything from which is your Operating System (Windows), then you build upon it with more layers to achieve your goal, like building a skyscraper.

In this case, you want to play a video game. There are many layers of bricks that need to be laid down before you can do that. The video game itself could be considered the top of the skyscraper, but you need everything in between or else the top won’t connect properly.

Since Lego is the most popular brick to build with, the developers of your video game may only make building plans and blueprints that use Lego.

Some larger projects, or generous developers make plans that use Mega Bloks (Mac OS) as as well, or maybe even Sluban (Linux). This isn’t always the case, however.

If you’ve built your base and middle layers of your project out of Mega Bloks, the Lego at the top isn’t going to fit properly and work.

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