Why do some metals glow when heated and some do not?


Some metals like iron and tungsten glow when heated to extreme temperatures, and even when they reach a melted state. Yet some other metals such as aluminum do not glow at all even when heated beyond their melting point.

Is it just some specific properties of certain metals, or is it some of the elements within metals that can cause it to glow when heated?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it has to do with the melting points. Some metals will melt much faster before they even glow, e.g. gold, which has a low boiling point. Others will glow before they reach the melting points.
Impurities may also affect the way metals behave regarding heating.
P.s. my chemistry is below useless, but I think what I said makes sense 😁😄😄

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