Biologically when the placenta is delivered, it’s supposed to trigger hormones that stimulate milk production. Yet so many moms who want to breastfeed end up on formula within a week of birth because “their milk never came in”. While I don’t doubt that this can happen on occasion, why is it happening to so many people?
I have a theory myself but wondering if anyone knows more of the science behind why this is so common.
In: Biology
I had 2 babies, both by c section. The first was a lazy sucker and couldn’t stimulate enough to get the milk production happening. She would take 1/2 hour just to get 50ml bottle into her. She is still a slow eater now at almost 20. The second was much better but what I think really helped was that I ended up back in hospital on a drip for an infection shortly after the birth. As I was getting really well hydrated at the hospital he got onto a 4 hour schedule. He was like clockwork. He sucked. I produced. It was a dream in comparison to his sister who I ended up getting so stressed about (which probably compounded the issue)
But yes, fed is best. Women should not be made to feel like a failure for not being able to breastfeed
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