Why do some people get wobbly legs when they almost get knocked out?


Why do some people get wobbly legs when they almost get knocked out?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

The act of walking/standing on two legs is actually an incredibly complex thing humans do (note how our children take years to learn it), but the vast majority of it (and many things) is automated. Even when not completely knocked out, getting your brain jostled can cause a “soft reset” where the brain tries to use as little of itself as possible (like you wouldn’t use a leg much if it was fractured).

Without the “auto-assist” for walking, people aren’t used to doing it all themselves, thus the wobbly legs. The brain is trying to make sure it doesn’t injure itself by overuse when it may be injured.

It’s not the most scientific answer, but you get the point.

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