Why do some trailers on lorries not use all their wheels? Like some are raised up, why not use them all?


Why do some trailers on lorries not use all their wheels? Like some are raised up, why not use them all?

In: 15

8 Answers

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Most people have already given the answer (efficiency… which is just a fancy way of saying money), but I’ll just add that weight limits on big trucks are more a result of regulation rather than physical design capability. The more weight you put on one wheel, the more stress you put on the road surface and the quicker the road breaks up, or rather, the quicker the taxpayer needs to pay to fix that road. Therefor the government regulates a maximum amount of weight that can be carried per axle. If you have more axles, you’re allowed to carry more weight. But more axles mean more expense so a sometimes axle can give a little more flexibility.

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