Why do some trees have hollow cavities?


While hiking today, I saw a cut tree that had a large hollow cavity that appeared to run a good portion of the tree’s length. How does this happen? Why do some trees have this while others don’t?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rot. Usually it’s due to water collecting at a branch crotch where there is a divot in the bark. Other material like leaves and sticks collect then decompose. Added to that is some sort of disease or stress to the tree that keeps it from fighting off the rot. The rot then moves down into the mostly dead heart of the tree where there isn’t replacement of material. Over time it creates a shell of the tree and weakens it until it naturally comes down or is cut. Interestingly you can fill in these rot holes with concrete to keep the water out and keeping the tree together. Isn’t perfect but can extend the life of a big tree

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