Why do some trucks have a spare set of wheels hanging? Wouldn’t it better to just have all the wheels on the road?


Why do some trucks have a spare set of wheels hanging? Wouldn’t it better to just have all the wheels on the road?

In: 159

15 Answers

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Those wheels are there to take load from the other axels when heavy loads are being moved. Because the other axel simply can’t handle the load without breaking. Just as if you need to get on weak ice, dont walk because you will go through, but go on your stomach and roll. Just like you are told to do if you get out of falling through ice. Pressure is force on surface area; increase surface area and pressure goes down. In engineering we think all forces on material as pressure, since that is true in a way that makes sense once you accept it.

On the downside they add extra friction. This neand you need more power to accelerate and sustain speed which in turn means burning more fuel.

Ideally with any vehicle you want the least amount of wheel touching the road, while having best efficiency and most control. This is one reason why trains are efficient, you don’t need much control while on a track, just to accelerate and retard the train. Between the track and wheel there is very little surface area causing friction.

Logistic compete with fuel efficiency anf efficient use of machinery. Drivers and trucks cost about the same locally and customers want the margins, so you want to get yours and that is with fuel efficiency.

If you want to make lot of money, develop a method to increase logistics efficiency, whether route planning, engine, truck, motor, kind of fuel. Even achieving 1% will bet you a fortune when you sell it. A 3% fuel saving is enough to justify replacing whole fleets of machines, even planes and ships.

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