why do space rockets take off from a upright position instead of taking off of a runway like a plane, reach 40,000 ft and entering space from there.


why do space rockets take off from a upright position instead of taking off of a runway like a plane, reach 40,000 ft and entering space from there.

In: Engineering

16 Answers

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A rocket wants to get as high as possible as quick as possible in order to do its flight in thiner atmosphere with less air resistance then it turns to the side and puts most its effort into sideways movement.

Orbiting a planet is just a high-tech version of the looney toons hitting a baseball around the world and it hitting them in the back, if you throw somthing really really fast then it actually happens as the earth curves away from you faster than you can fall. And if you do this high enough up there’s so little air resistance that whatever you throw will stay up there for years like satellites do.

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