Why do spiders come indoors when they’re food sources are mostly outside?


Edit: Thanks for the responses. I’ve learned a few things: 1) Spiders are not super bright and are just looking for a warm place to throw up a web. 2) There are many little critters in the walls of my house that I refuse to believe exist. 3) I suck at grammar and if you don’t see my mistake, then you also suck at grammar.

In: 48

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, most house spiders would die if you put them outside. Their ancestors learnt early on in human history to hang out with humans/in human structures. They’re areas with a predictable climate (temperature and humidity wise), few predators and a relatively decent source of food (all the gnats and flies hanging around food scraps that everyone else is mentioning). So with a comfortable habitat like this, they stopped passing down traits that would make them more suited to living in the harsh outdoors.
And these spiders have hung out around humans long enough and been isolated from the population of outdoor spiders that some scientists think they’re genetically distinct enough to be separate species at this point.

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