Why do spiders come indoors when they’re food sources are mostly outside?


Edit: Thanks for the responses. I’ve learned a few things: 1) Spiders are not super bright and are just looking for a warm place to throw up a web. 2) There are many little critters in the walls of my house that I refuse to believe exist. 3) I suck at grammar and if you don’t see my mistake, then you also suck at grammar.

In: 48

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most bugs are more like small robots than what we’d consider smart beings. Their brains are simple and respond predictably to certain things.

Spiders want a place that has access to water, a certain temperature, and some kind of structure they can use to build a web. They don’t have the capacity to do research and figure out how many bugs are in the area. They find a spot that their robot brain says looks good and build a web there.

Some of them get lucky. One spider built a web near my trash can once and caught a lot of gnats and flies. Others aren’t so lucky. That’s why one spider lays hundreds of eggs. They don’t survive by being smart. They survive by having so many babies the odds favor at least a few of them being able to lay eggs of their own.

There’s more food indoors than you think. Part of why you may not see many bugs inside is there are probably spiders inside your walls taking care of the ones you can’t see.

But overall they don’t live a life like humans do. We try to live as long as possible because we have the capacity to understand and enjoy more than just survival. A lot of animals (insects and arachnids included) are only “designed” to live long enough to breed and, if they don’t succeed, they die shortly after.

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