Why do surgical lights does not cast any shadows??

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Why do surgical lights does not cast any shadows??

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shadows are the *absence* of light around something. The way to get rid of shadows is to have multiple lights coming from multiple angles at once. Some surgeons even put an extra light on their head so what they’re looking at is always well lit.

You can try this yourself with two flashlights in a dark room. Put them on opposite sides of something and boom – no shadow. 10 lights that are high powered will work even better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, so they just have MORE surgical lights from a different angle that light up those shadows as well. 

Shadows are just places shielded from all available light sources by physical objects. The more sources you have scattered around, the fewer such locations there are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Surgical lights are designed with multiple light sources and specialized reflectors to minimize shadows

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unlikely books and illustrations, when cutting trough skin and flesh nearly everything is red. Surgeon need to know the exact shape and connections of the different organs.

Having multiple lights from different angles will make shadows nearly invisible, letting the surgeon see when they cut inside the body.

It’s similar to what a photographer would do to illuminate a subject to enhance it.