Why do talking/singing toys not only slow down, but also distort at lower voltage?


I kinda understand how relatively low voltage could mean lower pitch or slower speed, but I don’t get how some videos of low battery toys show them getting loud and/or crunchy and distorted.

In: 15

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The [running dooooownnn] sound is back from when toys used tiny records and record players in the voice/sound box. As the batteries dies, the motor turning the record slows making the slower lower pitched sound.

In movies it’s just sound added with that effect in post production. Because [skibbrodulph screeek beee shhhhhhh] doesn’t tell the audience “battery is low”

In real life with electronics, you will indeed get goofy behavior as power dies but it’s usually distortion, odd random sounds, etc. but not the [slooooooowwwwwwrrrr] movie trope sound.

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