Why do the bottom of your feet hurt after walking on concrete all day? What is it that’s even being affected? The skin or muscle or bone or nerves or something else?


Why do the bottom of your feet hurt after walking on concrete all day? What is it that’s even being affected? The skin or muscle or bone or nerves or something else?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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When you walk on carpet, wood, soil or even gravel, the ground has a little bit of bounce to it. Much like when you smack your hand on to your bed.

Concrete does not have any bounce to it. So it’s like smacking your hand on the counter top.

The pain you feel in your feet is a mixture of muscle and tendon wear.

The feet hit the concrete
The shock is felt in the solid bones
Transfers it to the tendons that hold those bones and this causes them to stretch suddenly and ache.

It may also cause pain in the ankles because these bones sit on one another so it’s like smashing marbles together in a bag.

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