Why do the fortnite servers have to go down for maintenance and upgrades


Why do the fortnite servers have to go down for maintenance and upgrades

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There is a lot of stuff that you would want to do to a computer which cannot be done with programs running on them. Updating the program itself, the underlying operating system, replacing hardware on the server such as memory or CPUs, all of these things would generally require shutting the systems down for a while.

To put this is in terms you might more easily understand, imagine you are riding a bike. Now suppose you want to do some work on that bike like replacing a wheel, the handle bars, or the chain. What do you think is going to happen if I just run up and snatch one of the wheels off your bike *while you are riding it*? You are going to crash immediately.

Instead you are going to need to stop the bike for that stuff to be done, which means you aren’t riding it. In the context of Fortnite it means those servers aren’t hosting games.