Why do they say “brace for impact” when a plane crashes, if bracing is what kills you in car accidents?


I have heard that if you tense or brace your body before a car accident you are more likely to be injured. Hence why drunk drivers often walk away unharmed because they just sort of flop around instead. So why is it that we are supposed to brace for impact?

In: 3739

10 Answers

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Bracing for impact in a plane is putting your head between your knees and trying to protect your skull with your arms. If a plane crashes there is going to be luggage and whatever other loose things are around flying everywhere so if you somehow survive the impact you will not want to get hit in the head by all the junk.

In a car it is possible that stiffening up and jamming your hands out in front of you could cause more damage than someone who was unaware of an impending accident. A plane though, if it is something you can actually survive it probably will not matter if you “saw it coming” or not.

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