why do they say “talk to your doctor before you stop smoking”? What doctor is going to recommend you continue smoking ?


why do they say “talk to your doctor before you stop smoking”? What doctor is going to recommend you continue smoking ?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like everyone else said, its mostly for the medical support Drs can give.

But there are situations where a doctor might tell you not too. As just one example, if the person has severe heart problems the doctor might tell them to wait because the stress of the withdrawal could exacerbate those issues. Ie: Try to stop smoking and die from heart failure.

So, yeah. Depending on the situation, they might say not to or to simply cut back on their smoking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly, a doctor will help ease withdrawal and increase your chances of quitting successfully. There are suggestions, procedures, medications, programs and treatments that may apply to your personal circumstances. It is quite hard to quit on your own.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To help with withdrawal symptoms and any emotional fallout, especially if quitting cold turkey. There are also aids to assist people with quitting (nicotine patches, gum, etc) and a doctor’s insight could be beneficial.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s quite unlikely they’ll tell you to keep smoking. But…

* they will probably offer various kinds of support to help you quit, and
* if you’re on medication, sometimes your dosages need to be adjusted if you aren’t going to be getting a steady stream of nicotine anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

i think it’s so he can help you figure out a plan to stop and to determine if it’s safe to stop cold turkey cuz sometimes it’s not

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nicotine withdrawal can cause mental health problems and it’s good for your doctor to be aware of that and they may want to prescribe you antidepressants or anti anxiety meds.
They also may have an idea for a plan of quitting that will work for you.