Why do those little birds hop?


So I’m asking about a small breed of bird (I’m not a bird expert by any stretch but I’d say they’re finches). I’ve seen them my whole life as frequently as common city pigeons. They’re gray and brown. I’ve never seen them walk. When on the ground they hop or bounce around. So… my burning question since I was a kid: do they ever take individual steps like other birds? (my theory is that they bounce because it’s somehow efficient) also would be nice to know the name of these birds.

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Sparrows: https://images.app.goo.gl/pP9NWBrCcGz3C7m26

It’s hard to say why they do it, but birds aren’t built for walking like humans are. Parrots for example, walk forward like a person wearing swiming flippers. So if they need to stick close to the ground to find food, hopping makes a lot of sense.