Why do transport trucks sometimes have many spare tires hanging from their undercarriage, almost as many tires as those being used? Surely they don’t expect almost all tired being used to break down at once?


Why do transport trucks sometimes have many spare tires hanging from their undercarriage, almost as many tires as those being used? Surely they don’t expect almost all tired being used to break down at once?

In: Engineering

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

More than 1 spare is very understandable. 6 spares? Probably overkill.

For you, having a blowout means an inconvenience while waiting for AAA.

For them, a blowout means less time to get to destination. 2 blowouts would maybe put the cargo at risk. If they don’t deliver to destination within the time window, they could stand to lose many thousands of dollars.

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