Why do trucks have those large bolts protruding from the front two tire rims?


I’m not engineer or truck driver. But I’ve been a passenger on a road trip all day and noticed, when passing a truck, that the front two tires have these massive bolts sticking out of the rims. Why are these bolts there? Is it a manufacturing thing? Why aren’t they on any of the other rims of the truck? I’m bored and I need answers!

In: Engineering

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The front wheels are generally identical to all other wheels on the rig. The front wheels only have a single tire installed to keep space available for steering mechanisms while all others would have a second tire covering the excess length of the lugs you see.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are the lug nuts that hold the wheel on. They use the same wheel on the front and the back, just flipped inside out. That way the spare tire fits the front and rear