Why do two things that taste great on their own (such as chocolate or cheese), taste horrible when you combine the two?


I mean, I wouldn’t eat chocolate covered cheese, but I could eat a whole bar of chocolate or a piece of cheese on their own. What exactly makes them taste horrible when you put them together?

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s subjective to people’s tastes, so it’s kind of hard to answer this. Chocolate cheesecake is delicious, and it’s technically a combination of chocolate and cheese. Ricotta cheese mixed with sugar/sweetener and cocoa powder is delightful, also a mixture of chocolate (kinda) and cheese.

Swiss and milk chocolate are probably not as enjoyable stacked on top of one another, but it depends on your tastes. I’ve never tried it, and can’t attest to how it tastes, but that doesn’t mean it tastes “horrible”.

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