Why do water bottles have expiration dates?


Why do water bottles have expiration dates?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plastic degrades and leeches into the water. Seals weaken and allow some contaminants to get in. The water is rarely fully distilled and so there is some minimal level of contamination to begin with that is fully safe for human consumption but that after being allowed to sit for X amount of time could have grown to not be safe. Many reasons. But the plastic degrading is the largest reason.

Anonymous 0 Comments

After a while the plastics in the bottle can break down and get into the water itself, so that you’re drinking water with plastic pollutants. It’s not the end of the world if it happens a few times but of course the more such plastics you consume in a life time the worse your health will be (from a technical medical perspective).

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s for the bottle actually. The plastic loses its integrity and starts to dissociate into your water so you’re drinking micro fibers of plastic with the water. Why you shouldn’t reuse plastic water bottles for too long at least and also everybody should be aware of the effects of plastic and how there’s probably thousands or millions of tiny pieces of plastic inside of you right now

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I hear, it’s how long until the plastic of the bottle deteriorates enough to start releasing toxins into the water

Anonymous 0 Comments

The plastic degradation is one reason, but before a 1987 New Jersey law they didn’t generally have dates. Other reasons include tracking for quality control and making sure the oldest stock is sold first in stores.