Why do we actually want to reduce inflammation?

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The bodies natural response to an injury is to produce inflammation. I would assume thats the bodies response from milleniums of evolution so it serves a purpose in the healing of the injury? But the general consensus is once injured we do everything we can to reduce inflammation. I don’t understand and am obviously missing info / intepreting info wrong. ELI5

Or am I on the right track and this is why RICE isn’t recommended as much any more and heat is?

In: Biology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We do want inflammation. It does a bunch of stuff to help us out. But sometimes it does a little bit too much stuff, and it makes us feel bad. That’s why we try to control it with things like compression. We’re not going to stop it completely, but we might be able to stop some of the extra damage it might do to our own bodies in the process.

Sometimes our body does WAY too much, like in something called anaphylaxis. Our inflammatory system sees something and over-reacts. It kind of throws a tantrum and is very dramatic. Like seeing a toy it doesn’t like and then throwing all of its toys out and smashing them to pieces and setting the house on fire. Then we need to stop the inflammation/tantrum. Otherwise we might destroy the house.

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