Why do we actually want to reduce inflammation?

475 viewsBiologyOther

The bodies natural response to an injury is to produce inflammation. I would assume thats the bodies response from milleniums of evolution so it serves a purpose in the healing of the injury? But the general consensus is once injured we do everything we can to reduce inflammation. I don’t understand and am obviously missing info / intepreting info wrong. ELI5

Or am I on the right track and this is why RICE isn’t recommended as much any more and heat is?

In: Biology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t have an answer but a related query – please redirect if this is the wrong place to post – but I figure there may be some folks here who can offer insight.

I have had chronic inflammation in my ear canals for about 10 years – flagged as dermatitis by one dermatologist but she told me she had never seen presentation of my symptoms in isolation and so could not actually ‘diagnose’ me.

Symptoms are redness, itching, excessive production of wax and scaly skin. I often irritate it at night while asleep which results in weeping sores.

I’ve seen every specialist under the sun, both in pathological /Western medicine and eastern /holistic circles – naturopaths, ayurvedic doctors etc. I’ve tried all sorts of corticosteroids (address symptoms for brief periods but do not resolve), medicated ointments and creams, oils such as olive, herbal oils as well such as neem etc.

I’ve addressed things in my diet like dairy and gluten (both of which I avoid for gut reasons but which have not altered my ears nb: history of IBS, currently managed). I’ve also tried increasing things like magnesium and sulfur, and installing a water filtration system at our house (Australia) to reduce hardness. I drink alcohol in moderation and reduce exposure to irritants and toxins in my environment and ingestion-wise.

All to no avail. I am concerned about the long term inflammation in my body. I have done a lot of reading and feel that at the foundation this is probably a mind-body issue.

I am not soliciting a diagnosis but wonder if anyone has experience with a similar condition or can talk to possible root causes and treatments?

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