The bodies natural response to an injury is to produce inflammation. I would assume thats the bodies response from milleniums of evolution so it serves a purpose in the healing of the injury? But the general consensus is once injured we do everything we can to reduce inflammation. I don’t understand and am obviously missing info / intepreting info wrong. ELI5
Or am I on the right track and this is why RICE isn’t recommended as much any more and heat is?
In: Biology
Inflammation is your body essentially nuking the area with oxidative, chemical, and biological warfare. It just creates a huge mess of heat, burning, cells, and death. In the larger organism, this is easy to survive. As a microbe, not so much.
Inflammation evolved as a rapid response to external threats: venom, parasites, viruses, bacteria. It is highly effective in countering these.
In our modern world, these threats are significantly less and are easily treated. Not to mention the bodily stress / calorie deficit / other harm is much easier to simply weather in our comfy modern lives. So, if you can avoid inflammation and treat another way, it’s certainly better for your body.
As an aside, allergy and autoimmune inflammation is a uniquely modern abnormality caused by these cells being bored/unchallenged (more complex than this but is essentially what it boils down to)
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