Why do we actually want to reduce inflammation?

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The bodies natural response to an injury is to produce inflammation. I would assume thats the bodies response from milleniums of evolution so it serves a purpose in the healing of the injury? But the general consensus is once injured we do everything we can to reduce inflammation. I don’t understand and am obviously missing info / intepreting info wrong. ELI5

Or am I on the right track and this is why RICE isn’t recommended as much any more and heat is?

In: Biology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inflammation is there to make it harder for bacteria to survive and reproduce.

You know how you can run to the store grab some cold drinks when it’s scorching outside, but when you get to sit outside for more than an hour it becomes very uncomfortable? It’s basically the same thing, your body makes itself harder to thrive in.

When you ‘treat’ inflammation you’re suppressing body’s natural reaction. You’re treating the result of the problem not the problem itself, which might be a bacterial infection. It’s for personal comfort more than anything.

That being said, most anti-inflammatory medicine comes with anti-bacterial mix, so you have something to make yourself feel a bit better, and something to support your body in dealing with the problem.

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