Why do we call the painting “painting” when it’s already done?


Why do we call the painting “painting” when it’s already done?

In: 11

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

OP; For many actions you take that result in an end product, the end result – the product – gets the name of that action + “ing”

The action is to Build -> the end result is a Building

The action is to Draw -> the end result is a Drawing

The action is to Paint -> the end result is a Painting

The action is to Th -> the end result is a Thing (ok, I cheated here)

The action to Row does not result in a product or thing, so it doesn’t work.

Its a lazy way of designating the end result, but it works!

And no, there’s other stuff that doesn’t work like that and we all know some examples.

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