Why do we cut off significant figures if they’re more accurate


Hey, when we solve for significant figures, why do we completely get rid of the remaining decimals even though hey have more accurate information?

Ex. 1.23*4.84=5.9532 but we would make it 5.95 based on Sig figs, even though those last two decimals are closer to the answer. Why is this? I know it’s less accurate, though it seems like we’re losing valuable accuracy (even if it’s not perfect, it should be closer)

In: Mathematics

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

5.95 is a shorthand for 5.9532 +- 0.00XX

It’s just to save space, and to prevent someone from thinking the 32 has any real meaning.

Yes it’s a better guess than 5.9500 but we already assume 5.95 means 5.95XX and not followed by zeros.

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