Why do we forget things or lose memories over time?


Why do we forget things or lose memories over time?

In: 54

5 Answers

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If you remembered everything, your mind would be overrun with useless information.

1) I park my car in the car park every day, that’s 2500 different places over the last 10 years. That’s a lot of information to sift through. I only need to remember today’s spot.

2) I see my colleague’s face 20 times a day, that’s 50,000 views if the same face at different angles, different lighting, different shadows. What my brain is good at is putting all memories together to make a single memory for me to recognise.

3) I know that John is a rude person and I don’t like him, that is a conclusion but up over many years, I don’t need to remember every encounter with him.

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