Why do we get words or small phrases stuck in our heads over and over and over and over?


This is different than a song being stuck in your head. It could be a single word, or the ending of a sentence, etc. Why does it happen?

In: Other

30 Answers

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Everyone who relates to this: go to r/ADHD to read some first-person accounts of what ADHD is like. I had no idea I had it because people think “it’s just issues with focus and attention” and don’t know that there’s a zillion other ways it affects your life. It’s much deeper than that and this is one of the things that’s common with ADHD and doesn’t make sense to most people without it. You might find a whoooole lot more that you have in common with ADHD people if you go to that sub, and you might have so much in common you get diagnosed and medicated (like me), changing your life for the better.

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