Why do we get words or small phrases stuck in our heads over and over and over and over?


This is different than a song being stuck in your head. It could be a single word, or the ending of a sentence, etc. Why does it happen?

In: Other

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This particular bit might not be true for everyone, but ADHD and Autistic folks sometimes experience something called “echolalia” – repeating a phrase over and over and over as it’s stuck in their heads

EDIT: A few people have commented to let me know that this isn’t exactly echolalia, echolalia is more focused on the compulsion to repeat phrases you might here over and over, rather than it being stuck in your head. I fear their replies have gotten lost among the comments so I wanted to make sure it was seen!

That said, I have heard neurodivergent people say that this stuck-in-your-head thing does still happen with them often, lots of people below even. I urge you to do your own research, I am definitely not a professional!

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