why do we have different time zones instead of everyone being at the same current time and simply doing things at different hours of the day?


Wouldn’t this prevent things like a country above another country (aka being in the same latitude) and having a different time zone (which never made sense to me); and other things that just don’t make sense in the current system?

In: Other

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply changing the formal timezones while allowing people to do things at different hours would do absolutely nothing to address the issue you mentioned. If such a thing passed legislation worldwide, people would just keep their present schedules regardless of what other people living in other countries at same longitude are doing.

You’d just make it unnecessarily difficult to communicate when people do things in different countries. I can say “Don’t call your uncle now, it’s midnight in London” instead of “Don’t call your uncle now, if he is maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, he is asleep and probably will be for the next 7-9 hours or so”

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