why do we have different time zones instead of everyone being at the same current time and simply doing things at different hours of the day?


Wouldn’t this prevent things like a country above another country (aka being in the same latitude) and having a different time zone (which never made sense to me); and other things that just don’t make sense in the current system?

In: Other

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This would just shift the problem of having to know what time is it now in US East Coast, to, say, what poeple would be doing at this time in US East Coast. Now I know it is 1PM in Hungary, my colleagues in NY are behind me 6 hours, so it is 7AM there. NOW as I know what I would do at 7AM I can put myself in their situation and know that they are probably waking up, having breakfast, drive kids to school, just as I would do at 7AM.
Given the time would be 1PM there as well as here in Hungary (although “AM” and “PM” would lost their meaning) now I would have to think about “what time it would have been there” so I do not disrupt their lives. It is usually custom that we don’t call people on phone during lunchtime. When would be lunchtime on this new system? Everytime. This problem would bring back timezone shift to the system indirectly (you would have fo calculate with that), which would make things harder.

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