Why do we have so many copyright issues compared to the past ?


We used to be able to see all sorts of videos on YouTube with official music and other stuff. I saw a woman get copyright claimed for playing Moonlight Sonata which belongs to the people. Streamers could also play music all they want and not get banned for it. But in the last years, everything has changed. How and why?

I do support and want the artists to either get credit or payment for their work, but the current state is kind of ridiculous.

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two big things – one there are a lot more people making publicly accessible content now. Where there used to be a few folks making a mix tape once a year for their friends or personal use, or duplicating technology required owning a printing press, now everyone has a channel or five.

Computers can now automatically recognize protected content. If you own copyright on something and want it to be protected, you can have computers watch for it being used without authorization, and automatically send take down notices. If you’re a content host, you probably want to do that for your hosted content so that you’re not going to get a claim against you.

More folks infringing, and easier to find them.

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