Why do we imagine our own death in third-person?


Long ago, I read an article that said something like: “it’s because our subconscious, deep down, believe in our immortality”, and that was Freud’s opinion; but I’m looking for a more… *exhaustive* (?) explanation. Thanks!

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Straight from my mind’s ass:

The “aware” part of ourselves remains the same no matter how much we change. We grow up and get taller, we get fatter, we get older, we get haircuts, we are suddenly sleeping with this person, we are traveling to that country. Nonetheless, we are always noticing things and forming new memories, and even when we’re drunk, we can take a step back and notice that we are drunk. We can even notice that we are dreaming.

And so this “awareness” part of ourselves is probably quite cocky and believes that it can survive any state of existence.

…and. Hmmmmmm. I was going to write more, but now I’m really reaching deep. I’m not sure if I always imagine my own death in third-person?

I’m not sure if I imagine anything in first person or third person? Like I’m trying to think of myself visiting a place I’ve never been to. Like Hong Kong. And a lot of quick images appear in my mind–lots of tall buildings crammed closed together, lots of billboards. I’m sort of imagining myself going to the airport and flying too. But it’s not like a movie or it’s not like a video game where I can see my hands and stuff. Some of the thoughts don’t even have a visual component. No perspective, just an emotion .

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