Why do we need to “remember to breathe” when exercising? Shouldn’t our bodies natural reaction to exercise to breathe more, not less?


Why do we need to “remember to breathe” when exercising? Shouldn’t our bodies natural reaction to exercise to breathe more, not less?

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t.

Your breathing rate increases by itself as you do more physical activity and you feel an urge to do it more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Particularly when lifting weights or doing some sort of difficult movement, some people will hold their breath as they try to concentrate.

It’s obviously dangerous, since you can swiftly become light-headed or dizzy, and drop the weight or fall.

Anonymous 0 Comments


When lifting heavy things, the automatic reaction is to HOLD your breath (which is dangerous)

With aerobic exercise, the automatic reaction is to hyperventilate (which is dangerous on the other side)

You need to properly regulate your breathing.