Why do we not simply eradicate mosquitos? What would be the negative consequences?


Why do we not simply eradicate mosquitos? What would be the negative consequences?

In: 4690

17 Answers

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The answer to the second question is the answer to the first: We don’t know.

There are researchers working on genetically modified mosquitoes who would pass on genes that ensure only males (who don’t bite) survive. They’ve been met with many of the same concerns brought up in other responses here, but they believe that other insects would fill mosquitoes’ niche in the ecosystem.

[First genetically modified mosquitoes released in the United States](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01186-6).

The simplest answer to “why haven’t we eradicated mosquitoes” is that we’re still determining what the consequences would be, but it isn’t off the table.

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