Why do we puke if we put our finger in our throat?


Why do we puke if we put our finger in our throat?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

The back of our throat is a bended pipe through which both the air we breath and the food we eat goes through, although not at the same time. If food gets stuck there, it will block the air and the food, which will be bad in the long term (as in the next minutes).

Overtime the creatures which had the genes with the reflex to throw up when food got stuck there survived better and that gene became part of the general design of created with a bended pipe in the back of the throat.

The place were this trigger to throw up sits in the back of the mouth, which is reachable with your fingers, which means that you can trigger this reflex on demand with your fingers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a safety mechanism of the human body.

If you were to get something stuck at the back of the throat, that has the potential to block your windpipe. If you cannot breathe, your time on this earth isnt going to last much longer (give or take three minutes).

So this is where actions like coughing come in – they are a mechanism to try and expell something from your throat and clear it. Vomiting is another option – the heavier and more solid contents of your stomach having more strength to push a blockage out of the way.